Dorit Kemsley is the star of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, one of America’s biggest reality television series. Joining the show in its seventh season, Kemsley captivated American audiences with her bubbly personality, savvy fashion sense and stunning good looks. As a key member of the cast, she gives viewers an insight into her lavish lifestyle, opening the doors on her 10,000 square-foot mansion and exploring her business interests and her husband’s management agency, whose clients include Boy George and soccer icon Pele.
After earning a degree in marketing, design and communications, Kemsley moved across the world to Italy, working at a leading Italian swimwear company. Making her return to New York after a decade, she used the expertise she had gained in the luxury fashion industry to start her own brand, Dorit International. Aimed at giving “women the opportunity to live their chicest, most glamorous, most fashionable existence”, the company designs high-end swimwear and accessories, made and manufactured in Los Angeles, California. Not only a successful businesswoman, Kemsley is a mother of two – her children Jagger and Phoenix appear alongside her in Real Housewives. She’s also a dedicated philanthropist, working closely alongside Safe Kids Worldwide, a charitable organisation that seeks to safeguard children from preventable injuries.
With an Instagram following of over 530k, Dorit has an engaged audience across the UK, North America, & Australia, and has recently been involved in successful brand partnerships with GLU Mobile Inc and NBC Universal.