Starring as Captain Lennox in the immensely popular film adaptations of the Transformers franchise, Emmy award-winning actor Josh Duhamel shot to stardom from humble beginnings. After earning a degree in Biology from the University of Minnesota, a side-job modelling stint paved the way for a full-fledged acting career as the novice actor was asked to audition for the role of Dorian Grey in Dave Rosenbaum’s 2005 dramatic horror The Picture of Dorian Grey. The following year, Duhamel was cast alongside Olivia Wilde and Melissa George in horror movie Paradise Lost, a role that earned the actor a nomination for a Teen Choice Award.
Following his unexpectedly swift rise to success within the motion picture industry, Duhamel was cast as lead character Danny McCoy in NBC’s Las Vegas. Thanks to his excellent performance in this role, along with an appearance in blockbuster behemoth Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Duhamel enjoyed major motion picture roles in Romantics, starring alongside Katie Holmes, and When In Rome with Kristen Bell and Danny Devito.
Whilst completing two more sequels for the Transformers series, Duhamel has appeared in All My Children, receiving three consecutive Emmy Award nominations. More recently, Duhamel portrayed Detective Greg Kading in the biographical crime series Unsolved: The Murders of Tupac and Notorious B.I.G.